
    BHCC Week 4 Info

    Hi Barracuda Families!! 

    A few updates going into this week! 

    1. Practice: We will have normal practice times all this week, including our first Monday afternoon practice from 6-7pm tomorrow. The schedule is below. The coaches noticed last week that practice attendance was very light on Thursday. While we know it may be tempting to skip since it is a long night, Thursday practice will always focus on meet prep including diving, relays, turns, and finishes, which are some of the main things our swimmers need to work on before the meet. Please attend on Thursdays if you can! :) 
    2. Meet #2: Our meet this week will be at Spalding Corners (3874 Glen Meadow Drive, Norcross, GA 30097). Plan to arrive around 5pm for 5:25pm warmups. Parking is very limited. More info will be sent out later this week!
    3. County Top 55/Relays: Attached is the list of the top 55 swimmers in the county from Berkeley Hills. Our A relays are also ranked on the second tab. If you are not familiar with the Gwinnett Swim League, we will have a County Championship Meet the weekend of July 12th-14th. The A relays in each age group, and the top 50 swimmers in each event will swim in the county meet. Due to swimmers only swimming a maximum of 3 individual events, even swimmers ranked higher than 50 will have a chance to get into this meet. More info will come throughout the summer, but please take a look at this list and plan to attend the meet if your child is currently on an A relay or on this list. We will send out updated lists each weekend. A full list of top 55 can also be found here
    4. Free Water Polo Sessions: The Norcross Water Polo Club is offering a FREE practice session on Wednesday June 5th or Monday June 10th at West Gwinnett Aquatic Center for ages 10-17! If interested, click here to register!

    Summer Practice Schedule:


    Age GroupTime*
    9/10 & 11/128:15 AM - 9:15 AM
    13 & up9:15 AM - 10:15 AM
    8 & Under & Jr Cudas10:15 AM - 11:00 AM

    *Please arrive 15 minutes early to be ready to start practice on time!

    Afternoon Practice** (All Ages)

    Monday6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    Wednesday7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

    **Afternoon practice is intended as makeup practice if you are unable to attend in the mornings.

    Fun Friday

    Age GroupTime
    11 & Up Practice/Games9:00 AM - 10:00 AM
    Ribbons & Donuts10:00 AM
    10 & Under Practice/Games10:00 AM - 11:00 AM


    -Coach Kailyn, Coach Amanda, Coach Lilly, Coach Elsie 

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