
    **Volunteer Sign Ups & Important Updates from the Coaches!!**

    Hello Barracuda Families!

    My name is Melea Connett and I am the Volunteer Coordinator
    for this swim season. I will be working to make sure we fill all the volunteer
    jobs so that each meet can run efficiently and smoothly. Please take a moment
    and read this entire email. It’s a long one, but there are important dates and
    a note from the coaches. Also, a bonus opportunity to help with a mock meet THIS

    Each family is responsible for working 3 shifts for
    the season
    . I know we have many new families this year so I am going to
    try and explain the requirements and specifics as best as I can. Each meet is
    divided into two shifts. The 1st shift will be events #1-40 and includes
    our younger swimmers. If you only have younger children, you will want to only
    sign up for 1st shift jobs so that when your swimmer is done, you
    will also be done with your volunteer responsibilities. The 2nd
    shift is for events #41-80 and has the older swimmers’ events.

    There are several different types of jobs that you can
    volunteer for. See the list below with the responsibilities for each.

    *Bull Pen/Staging—This position is combined this year to minimize
    the volunteers on the deck. These volunteers will work together to keep the
    children in the appropriate areas and help them line up in the appropriate lanes
    when their event is called.

    *Set Up—This position is for volunteers that can be early to
    the meets and help set up the pool deck. It will require lifting and moving
    chairs and taping off certain areas to prepare for the meet.

    *Clean Up-This position will stay after the meet is over to
    help put the pool deck back in order for the club the next day. Will require
    lifting and moving chairs, cleaning up the pool deck and getting it back in proper
    order. (High School Students may sign up for this to fulfill their family requirements)

    *Ribbons—This position will get the print offs after the
    meets and put the stickers on the ribbons to have them ready to hand out on the
    following Monday practice.

    *Runner—This position is responsible for collecting the time
    cards in an orderly manner and dropping them off at the scoring table.

    *Stroke/Turn Judge—This position ensures that the rules
    relating to the style of swimming designated for the event are being observed
    and also ensures that, when turning or finishing, the swimmer complies with the
    turning and finishing rules applicable to the stroke used. (Must be certified
    for this position)

    *Timer—This position is required to stay in a lane and time
    as for each event. There will be a head timer that will help make sure you know
    how to work the timers and there are also two back up timers for each shift.

    The job sign ups will go live tonight at 9:00pm and
    will remain open until Tuesday, June 1st @ 10:00am. Please take the
    time to go and select the shifts and jobs you prefer!

    Steps for signing up:

    >Login to bhcc.swimtopia.com

    >Click on Calendar

    >Click one of the meets in the right-hand column under “Upcoming

    >On the far-right side of each meet there is a green box “Job
    Sign Up”, click on each meet to select a minimum of 3 shifts per family

    If you have questions about how to sign up or have any issues
    with the sign-up process, please reach out to me at [email protected] or my cell


    Wednesday (5/26): We are planning to have a mock
    meet. This will be held during your child’s normal swim practice time. Each
    swimmer will swim a 25 or 50 (depending on their age) of every stroke they can
    swim proficiently. This serves as a baseline for the coaches and swimmers to
    know their times going into the season.

    **We need volunteers for this mock meet!** This
    will not count towards your 3 shifts for the season, but is a great opportunity
    to help the team and see your swimmer swim! I need 8 timers for the 4:30
    practice and 8 timers for the 5:40 practice. Please send me an email if you are
    willing to help with this on Wednesday!

    Thursday (5/27): We will NOT have practice.

    Monday (5/31): We will NOT have practice due
    to Memorial Day.

    Tuesday (6/1): Morning practice will begin!! Please
    see the website for practice times and plan to have your child(ren) at practice
    on time and ready to swim!

    You made it to the end! 😊 Thank you so much in advance for being willing
    to help to make this a great season! Feel free to reach out if you have any

    Melea Connett, Volunteer Coordinator

    Coach Lauren, Coach Davis, Coach Kali, Coach Boomer and
    Coach Lily

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